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Houston Divorce & Family Attorneys
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Houston Family Law Attorney

Dealing with a court case is never easy, considering the laws and legal guidelines involved. Family law cases are even harder to handle due to the strained relationships of the parties affected, as well as the consequences they need to accept. Fortunately, you don’t have to deal with it alone. Family law firms primarily exist to be your legal representative and support.

experienced family attorneys

If you are in Houston, TX, Davis and Associates can help you understand the family laws and codes that may apply to your familial situation. We will do everything we can to get your case resolved in the most efficient and stress-free way possible. Our Houston family law attorneys are licensed and experienced in handling any family law case, from the simplest to the most complex situations.

We constantly keep up-to-date with changes to Texas family law, allowing us to create effective legal cases that will help you get a favorable resolution. If there is a need for modification of a court order or you wish to contest it, we can handle it. We aim to provide impartial and sound legal guidance throughout the case so you can make the right decisions for yourself and your family.

Call Davis and Associates at (281) 377-4718 for your Consultation with a Houston Family Law Attorney.

Experienced Family Attorneys

Whether you want us to deal with divorce or domestic violence cases, Davis and Associates’s team of experienced Houston family law attorneys is always ready to take on your case. We can handle every aspect of your family law case and do our best to achieve your desired resolution.

Some of the cases we can handle at Davis and Associates include the following:

Houston family attorneyDivorce: It is not easy to end a marriage because you must deal with several legal issues before it can be considered in court. Our family lawyers can handle any divorce and speed up the process by helping you prepare the necessary documentation to get the desired results. We can also help you plan the best legal strategy to deal with issues such as child support, child custody, asset division, etc.

Property and Asset Division: Dividing the couple’s property is one of the most complicated parts of a divorce. The two parties may differ regarding who should get a specific property and how many remaining properties they could claim after the marriage. Our lawyers can help you locate all the assets and properties that would be included in the case, know their overall value, and know which ones you can use as leverage to get the assets and properties you want.

We also cater to high-value and high-profile divorce cases and guarantee they will be handled carefully.

Child Custody: Davis and Associates guarantees that your child’s well-being will be protected during the proceedings. We can help you present the evidence to support your desired custody arrangement and ensure both parties follow visiting hours.

Our lawyers can also help you identify the parental responsibilities both parties should follow and request any modifications.

Child Support: You can use our family law legal services when requesting child support or if you are the one assigned to pay for it. With our experience, we can determine the right amount for child support based on your child’s needs and ensure that the parent tasked with paying child support pays in full and on time. If you are the parent tasked to pay child support, we can help you appeal the amount of child support so it can be adjusted. You can also trust us to modify the order as the child’s needs change.

Spousal Support: Aside from child support, spousal support may be discussed during a divorce case. Not all may agree to pay spousal support, especially if the relationship breaks down in hostile terms. Our family lawyers can help you request spousal support or show you how to qualify for it, depending on your needs after the divorce. If you are asked to pay spousal support, we can look at all the factors used to compute the amount and see if the receiving spouse can still earn an income after the divorce.

Father’s Rights: Texas’ state law automatically grants full child custody to the mother of the child if the parents are not married. Still, the father can fight for their rights in court to build a strong relationship with their child.

Our lawyers can help you file the necessary documentation to establish your child’s paternity and acquire custody or visitation rights. Our goal at Davis and Associates is to help you become involved in your child’s life and give them the support and love they deserve from both parents.

Domestic Violence: Out of all the possible family legal issues that a family can face, the most sensitive one is domestic violence. Many victims are afraid or embarrassed to speak up about their abusers, while others are not sure if what they are experiencing from their family or household members is already too much.

If you or someone you know has been subjected to domestic violence by their family, household members, or partners, don’t hesitate to contact one of our Houston family law attorneys immediately. We can help you escape the clutches of these abusers and get them punished by the law as soon as possible.

Talk to Our Legal Experts Today

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It is difficult to fight any legal battle, especially involving your family. You will need a trusted family law attorney who can help you understand the law and build the best case that will match your interests and that of your child. These attorneys should also help you plan for the future after the family legal battle is complete.

At Davis and Associates, we do not shy away from any legal battle and will fight fiercely for your side to be heard and recognized by the courts and the other party. We will have all the necessary documents ready for the court’s consideration and do our best to get the best resolution to the case. Don’t hesitate to contact us today, and our Houston, TX law firm will be ready to get the ball rolling.

Call Davis and Associates at (281) 377-4718 for your Consultation with a Houston Family Law Attorney.