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Alief Child Support Attorneys
Harris County Family Lawyers

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Alief Child Support Attorney

Every child has the right to live a comfortable and stress-free life. Aside from getting a lot of love from their parents, they must be given essentials, such as food, shelter, education, clothing, and quality advice. Out of all the people these children meet throughout their lives, their parents are responsible for providing them with these essentials.

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In Texas, its child support statutes enable courts to compel either or both parents to support a child until the child is 18 years old or graduates from high school (whichever comes first), the child gets married, the child’s disabilities are cured, or if they pass away. The court will consider various factors to determine which parent will pay financial support and how much, including the parents’ income, time-sharing arrangements, and the child’s needs.

Davis and Associates has a great team of Alief child support attorneys ready to help you with any legal issue that may be raised in your child support case. From requesting the right amount of child support from the other parent, contesting the arrangement, and modifying the child support order, our lawyers are ready to get the best resolution for your case.

Call Davis and Associates at (281) 377-4718 for your Consultation with a Alief Child Support Attorney.

Child Support Calculation

In Texas, factors such as physical custody, time spent by each parent with their child, and the child’s needs are considered when determining who pays child support.

child support 2 300x174 Alief Child Support AttorneyWhile courts can order either joint or sole child support, it is common that the child support is paid by the “noncustodial parent” or the “obligor,” the parent who spends the least amount of time with their child. Their payment is usually a specified percentage of their income.

When it comes to the amount, the Texas Child Support Guidelines are used as a guide. Under these guidelines, the court will check the net monthly income of the noncustodial parent or the amount of money they have each month with their expenses already considered.

The guideline also states that:

  1. Noncustodial parents should give 20% of their net income to the first child and 5% to each child afterward.
  2. Noncustodial parents with five or more children receiving child support should contribute at least 40% of their net income.
  3. Even if the noncustodial parent is unemployed, they must still pay child support.
  4. Child support orders for noncustodial parents with children in different homes can be adjusted accordingly.

The guidelines ensure that parents can build strong relationships with their children even if they are no longer together. It also ensures that children get all the support they need so they can grow without worries while still having a good connection with their parents. Our Alief child support attorney on your case can help you create the best child support arrangement for your child and ensure all parties abide by the child support order once the court decides.

Child Support Enforcement

Child support payments don’t need to be stressful if the providing or noncustodial parent pays in full and on time. However, there are instances when they cannot pay on time or in full because of their current circumstances.

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When it does happen, the custodial parent can inform the court and file an enforcement action to get the noncustodial parent to fulfill their responsibility in providing child support. Once the court receives the request, it can take several actions to punish the delinquent parent, such as fines or imprisonment. If the delinquent parent applies for bail, the judge may ask them to pay a portion of the outstanding child support as a condition for their release. Additional court actions include license suspension, passport denial, credit bureau reporting, and more.

Your assigned Alief child support attorney can help you enforce the child support order and ensure the other parent pays the right amount and is on time. We will do our best to get the child support order enforced because we know how important it is for their growth and development.

Child Support Modification

Life-changing events can happen anytime, and for parents, these events can affect their financial capability to provide for their children. If the parents are separated, and one or both parents are tasked to provide child support, they must immediately ask the court to adjust the child support order to match their current financial circumstances.

child custody 1 300x200 Alief Child Support AttorneyFor a child support modification request to be approved, the parent requesting the modification must show that there is sufficient reason for the change. Usually, if the parent lost employment, migrated overseas, or the custody agreement was altered, courts often agree to a child support modification. Texas state law also allows both parties to request a child support modification from the Office of Attorney General Child Support Division (OAG) if the standing order is already three years old. The current support amount differs by 20% or $100 from the recent guidelines for a child support modification.

If you want to request child support modification, our Alief child support attorney can look into the current child support order and determine if your current circumstances can be grounds for a child support modification. We will help you submit all the necessary documents and ensure the other party is given time to review these documents and follow the modifications.

Talk To Our Legal Experts Today

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If you want to ensure that your child or children can get all the financial and emotional support they need to grow into well-rounded individuals from your former spouse, you must fight for the right child support arrangement for them in court.

Our highly-rated and experienced Alief, TX family law firm can make the legal process as stress-free as possible and help you get the right amount of support for your children. We can also be your staunchest advocate to get the child support ruling enforced or modified if needed. Let us know what your children need, and we’ll get to work straight away.

Call Davis and Associates at (281) 377-4718 for your Consultation with a Alief Child Support Attorney.